Which of these boiling-water taps is right for you?
Posted on 27th April 2021
Wish your cuppa was ready in an instant? Tired of your kettle taking up too much space on your worktop? Want something to really impress (show off to) guests? Then, my friend, it sounds like you’re in need of a boiling-water tap.
These days, a boiling-water tap is simply a must-have piece in the kitchen. They’re perfect for making tea and coffee in a rush, can help prepare vegetables, cook pasta, and can even save water and energy compared to using a kettle. But what do they do, I hear you ask?
Well, the latest boiling-water taps provide instant hot water ranging from around 75°C to 100°C at the push of a button or swivel of a lever. If you are looking for a tap that does it all, a 4-in-1 design will also give you filtered drinking water plus normal hot and cold.
A 3-in-1 tap, on the otherhand, dispenses boiling-hot water along with the regular hot and cold. However, if you simply want to add a boiling-water tap, there are also plenty of standalone models to coordinate with your kitchen mixer design.
But which boiling-water tap is right for you? You’ll need to take into account things like; how much space is there under your sink? What type of sink do you have? Visually, too; do you have a traditional or contemporary kitchen? What colour is the rest of your brassware?
Take it from me, I’ve interviewed many, many homeowners who said once they got a boiling-water tap, they never looked back. Some even say it’s their favourite thing in their kitchen! So, if this sounds like something you want in your life, I’ve put a selection of the latest models below to help you decide. Happy choosing…