Planning your new kitchen? The dining area often sits adjacent to the main cooking space to foster conversation and convenience…
This month, you can expect features on kitchen trends, how to create a bedroom-bathroom combo, and the pros and cons of buying a doer-upper…
If you are planning on creating a statement bedroom design, here are seven projects to get your moodboard going…
We look at how you can design a kitchen island to ensure it enhances not only the look but also the practicality factor of your space…
There’s a new popular way of giving your bathroom a good dose of personality – replacing your vanity with a more vintage piece…
Time for a new bathroom? Before you begin, there are some important questions you should be asking your designer…
Renovating your kitchen? We look at how to design the sink area in detail to ensure your space works harder…
Everyone wants a bathroom that is easy to clean, that looks immaculate and tidy with minimum effort – right?…