Should you repair or replace your appliances? Making an informed choice is more important than ever. Here is what AMDEA recommends…
The Bathroom Manufacturers Association (BMA) is looking at how we can do our bit to help with water shortage by making a few simple changes…
Have you recently purchased a new kitchen with shiny new ovens, hob and fridge-freezer? Remember to register your appliances. Here's how…
The BMA’s Brighter Bathing scheme is about moving towards greener behaviours in the bathroom without compromising your experience…
Cutting your household spending sounds good right now, doesn’t it? Well, AMDEA – the UK trade association for the manufacturers of small and large domestic appliances – wants to help…
It gets us ready for the day, and unwinds us in the evening – but did you know one of the biggest uses of energy and water in the home is…
The secret to keeping your kitchen organised is hidden behind closed doors – literally. Say hello to clever storage solutions from Hettich: design features set to make your space work harder…
Do you want a cleaner bathroom? We do too. Luckily, there are new exciting products on the market from VitrA. They make getting your bathroom clean super-easy…