What’s your perfect storage set-up? Virtual reality could help you decide

bathroom storage iStock

So you’ve decided on the best layout for your kitchen or bathroom and your colour choices have been nailed, too – but what about what’s inside your beautiful new cabinets? Let’s talk about storage.

Show of hands: who has an area in their home that could do with having more space to keep stuff? In many UK properties, kitchens and bathrooms can be on the more compact side and storage a bit sparse, which means more places to put things and clever ways to make the most of every inch of space are essential.

For you, it might be a similar situation. Or maybe you have plenty of floor area in your kitchen, but your scheme could still do with an update in the storage department?

Storage is a key part of any design and often comes top in the redesign briefs I see, so thinking about it early is a sure way to guarantee a room that works for you.

Today, I’m sharing some more key advice to show you how your new scheme could work – and how the latest virtual reality (VR) tech can make sure your storage really is the most efficient.  

Think about your storage in a practical way

You should always make a list of what you want to store, including the sizes of your items, and ask your designer to create solutions to suit.

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They can incorporate shelves at the correct heights to perfectly fit your jars and bottles, create bespoke areas for pans and cutlery and include ergonomic ideas to make accessing your items a breeze – including pull-out and pull-down inserts that will make life that little bit easier.

When adding open shelving, why not measure everything that will find its home in the new furniture to ensure all your crockery, glasses, and more fit perfectly into their new home? Photography: iStock.com/EloisaConti

If, for example, you’re not the tallest, let me tell you: that last idea really is a game changer. No more fishing around in high cabinets with a ladle or having to get the ladder every time you need something from a bit higher up.

Or maybe you need a rack inside a kitchen cupboard to neatly tidy away all your herbs and spices, for example, or would like a bathroom shelf with enough height for even bulkier cosmetic products?

Create a display

Having a place for everything and putting everything in its place is important, yes, but also think about what you want to have on show.

The trend for open shelving isn’t going anywhere – in fact, I’m not only seeing it in kitchens anymore, but a lot of people are also opting to have it in their bathrooms. And why not?

Some products come in beautiful bottles that you might want to show off, or you could add other design accents to brighten up the space. Having a shelf or countertop area for a candle, folded towels or plants will add personality into your scheme and make it feel inviting.

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It’s your space, after all, so make it your own.

VR Bathroom
Image: Created by Virtual Worlds Design Hub for Virtue VR Bathrooms.

Visualise your storage

You may think that VR technology is a design tool that allows you to experience a room’s layout or colour scheme, and you would be correct.

But there is so much more you can do to create the perfect space in your home. With Virtual Worlds 4D Theatre, for example, your designer can customise the internal shelving of cupboards so you can see in real proportions how that could work for you, right down to the door orientation.

You can also open and close doors or pull out racks to get a feel for how your space would operate in action, helping you to decide on the final look and function. 

Want to give it a go?

To find your nearest independent retailer with Virtual Worlds technology, visit find4d.com.

Featured image: Storage can not only help keep your bathroom tidy, open shelving also allows you to add personality to your scheme. Photography: iStock.com/lookslike

This article has been created in partnership with Virtual Worlds.

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